Welcome to Y42!

Y42 is the one platform for all your data needs. Integrate and transform all your data, analyze it at rocket speed, and align your entire organization. Watch the following video for a quick overview of what you can do with Y42!


What can you do with Y42?


Y42 allows you to easily import your data sources and integrate them with other applications. For example, if you are currently using a MySQL database to keep track of your products, you can import this data in just a few clicks into Y42. This allows everyone in your organization to view your data and analyze it themselves. Here is how you integrate a data source:

  1. In the main menu, click on the Integrate tab.

  2. Click the Add... button to add a new integration.

  3. Select the integration you want to add, name the data source and choose a privacy level.

Click Importing a New Data Source to find out more about our integrations. Once you have your data imported, it is useful to Previewing your Data to get a deep understanding of your data.


Once you have added data sources into your Y42 platform, you can transform and unify them with other data sources – in a fully intuitive manner without coding. For example, you could join a Google Sheets file with Shopify data to create a big, insightful table ready for analyzing your online sales. Or you could combine an internal Excel file stored on your private computer with the Marketing team's Instagram data to create the basis for evaluating campaigns The Model function allows you to do all that and even more – here is how to get started creating a data blend:

  1. In the main menu, click on the Model tab.

  2. Click the Add... button to add a new data source.

  3. Select Y42 Model, name your data blend and choose a privacy level.

To get more information on how you can create and structure a data model, click Creating a new Model


Once your data is inside the Y42 Platform and ready for analysis, you can dive deep into insights. Y42 Insights allows you to perform easy to complex analyses at the speed of thought. You just have to drag and drop your columns into boxes and a few seconds later, billions of data rows will be analyzed and presented in beautiful charts.

Y42 Insights features a dashboarding system that helps you to always stay organized in your analyses. Besides widgets, you can also add pictures and text boxes inside of your dashboard to facilitate communicating with your team. Creating an insight dashboard is easy:

  1. In the main menu, click on the Visualize tab.

  2. Click the Add... button to add a new dashboard.

  3. In the Create Custom Dashboard section, name your dashboard and choose a privacy level.

Dashboards can easily be edited and customized. To find out more about that, click Creating a Visualization.


Our Orchestrate feature allows you to automate jobs within your y42 organization. In other words, it allows you to schedule and monitor workflows and your entire pipeline in y42 containing integration data sources, models, and even automated jobs to export data to an external application.

On our Orchestrate you will use directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks to establish workflows. The scheduler will then execute your tasks on an array of jobs while following the specified dependencies. With our user-friendly user interface it is possible to easily visualize pipelines running in production, monitor progress, and troubleshoot issues when needed.

To find out more about Orchestrate visit the article Orchestrating Data Workflows.


On Automate you can set up automated jobs to export data into an external application, such as Google Sheets or a Google Big Query dataset.  You can export data that is either an output table from a model built in Y42 or a table from a data source connected via a Y42 integration.

To find out more about Automate visit the article Creating an Automation.


Collaboration and Access Control

Y42 is a highly collaborative platform meant to empower every user of your organization to make data-driven decisions. That being said, as an organization owner in Y42, you have the option to fully control resource access by users or even by teams. Find out more about how you can add users, attribute roles, create teams, and control their access to Managing Users of Your Organization.


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