Currency Exchange rates API

The Exchange rates API provides current and historical foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank. By using this data connection, you'll be able to convert foreign currencies to your local currency in your models. 

The data source is updated with the latest currency exchange rates around 16:00 CET on every working day.



Authentication: None
Settings: Historical Date and Base currency
Schema type: Fixed
Update Type: Full import and incremental



This integration does not require any authentication flow.

Import Settings

Choose how far back you'd like to acquire the exchange rates. By default, the historical date will be set to one year ago.

Choose the currency which will be base for the exchange rates for all the other currencies.



There is predefined schema for this integration. This schema consists of the date of the rates, and other 168 columns with the exchange rates for the selected base currency.


Updating your data

You have the option of scheduling Full imports or Incremental Imports by the month, weeks, days, and even by the hour. With the incremental import you will only add the new rows to that table, while a full import will actually re-import the entire table completely.

Incremental imports significantly increase the import speed, we import your table incrementally based on the last imported state e.g. id - If the table does not have a state, a full import will be triggered - This is done automatically.

We recommend therefore to schedule an incremental import regularly, but also schedule a full import with a certain frequency -- this is because only the full import will guarantee that old rows that have been updated on the data source will also get updated on your Y42 integration destination.


Exchange rates Setup Guide:

  1. On Integrate, click on "Add..." to search for Exchange rates and select it.

  2. Name your integration.

  3. Select how further back in time you would like to get data on currency exchange rates, and select the base currency for the rates (most likely your local currency).
  4. Press Connect.

  5. Select the provided table and click import. You can start accessing the tables once the status is “Ready”.

Note: You can always import and reimport other tables as well, or delete them.

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