Some ideas from our power users

Do you need inspiration? Here are some examples of how our most experienced users have used modeling canvas to make collaborating on models easier and more productive:

Plan your model by outlining the key steps

Using the modeling canvas elements to create a visual outline of the key steps you need to take can be very useful, especially when building more complex models. You can use the modeling space as a jamboard to do that.


Organize the structure of your model

To improve readability of the model you can organize your nodes and add visual elements that help visualize the data flow. You can use the group node feature and colored shapes to divide the modeling space into sections.


Enrich your model with information about business logic, updates, and learnings

Adding information about the business logic behind the model, and keeping track of updates and model-specific learnings improves the communication between model collaborators. You can use sticky notes of different colors per information type and even add screenshots and images to the model.


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