How to migrate Google AdWords integration → Google Ads integration
What happened?
Google has recently announced that it will be sunsetting the AdWords API on April 27, 2022 and it is being replaced by the Google Ads API. After this date, any import job trying to retrieve new data from Google Ads campaigns will no longer receive any new performance data. Therefore, you will need to add the new Google Ads integration to replace the soon to be deprecated Google Adwords integration.
To identify whether you are using the legacy or new integration, please pay particular attention to the name of the integration:
Google Adwords -> old API
Google Ads -> new API
In this guide, we will explain how to migrate to the new Google Ads integration, as well as benefit from its new functions and features.
What changed?
Additional ad & campaign types
Google has added a lot of new features and improvements in the new Google Ads API. You can read about all the new features and ads innovations here: Click here.
To note some of these new features:
With the new Google Ads integration Performance Max campaigns are now supported! Using the Google Adwords integration you might have experienced, not all campaigns were imported. Besides of Performance Max campaigns, Smart campaigns, Local campaigns, Shopping Comparison Listing ads, Hotel ads and App engagement ads are now also supported in the new Google Ads API.
Intra-day data
With the new Google Ads integration, you are now able to retrieve your Google Ads data from the same day. Before, the old Google Adwords integration was limited to only importing "full days". That means intra-day data imports were not supported. With the new Google Ads integration you are able to retrieve same day data that enables you to analyze intra-day ads performance.
How to migrate to the new Google Ads integration in Y42?
Due to the fact that Google also has changed the structure of the API, table names and column names have changed.
You can find a mapping table here: Click here. In this resource from Google you will find the mapping of old reporting table to new reporting table and you will also find the mapping for new and old column names.
Following table is a small excerpt from the mapping resource from the Google migration documentation. This excerpt includes the most used tables based on our usage analysis of the legacy Google Adwords integration:
old table name (Google Adwords) |
new table name (Google Ads) |
AD_PERFORMANCE_REPORT | ad_group_ad_report |
The most names of the most used metrics such as clicks, impressions, views, conversions are kept pretty similar (only lower cased instead of capitalized). The metric Cost is now named cost_micros.
Note: In the new Google Ads API the limitation remains that not for all campaigns and ads metrics can be broken down to every segment and every attribute. That means you can not select all columns in report tables. The error message you will see in the import logs will look like this:
GoogleAdsServiceWrapper query_error:
For more info about error messages please check out this documentation: Error message documentation.